In the electronic information note consisting of 4 items sent by the Ministry to the Provincial Health Directorates, it was stated that the base payments for the July 2022 period were made together and on time, according to the Supplementary Payment Regulation published on 12 August 2022.While thanking the Health Directorates for the timely base payments, it was stated that the infrastructure of the EKOBS software for the incentive additional payment was completed and opened to the use of health facilities as of yesterday evening (Friday, 26 August 2022), and as of today, the data entries of the trustees have begun.The Ministry, which listed its demands consisting of 4 items to the health directorates, in order to pay the incentive additional payments on time, asked for effort and sensitivity in this regard.It has been learned that incentive payments have been started to be calculated from the EKOBS system by the trustees today, and the incentive additional payment amounts that vary according to the hospital averages are evident.Accordingly, it was learned that a staff other than a physician working in a risk-free unit would receive incentives between 200 TL and 700 TL, and a health personnel working in a risk-free unit would receive incentive payments ranging from 500 TL to around 1200 hospital averages.While it was learned that tuatres were calculated to meet the expectations for physicians in Incentive Supplementary Payments, it was observed that there was no set-off in incentive payment.Your comment has been sent successfully.It will be published after the approval of our editors!