Internal Funding Opportunities Montana Tech

2022-08-20 01:37:23 By : Mr. Leo Wu

Several internal funding opportunities are available for faculty with the Seed Grants for new faculty and the Faculty Development Initiative. These competitive opportunities are offered in the spring.

2022 Call For Proposals Research Seed Grants FOR NEW FACULTY will be issued March 2022.

The Seed Grants for New Faculty program is a competitive funding opportunity available each spring semester for tenure-track or MBMG faculty in their first or second year of employment at Montana Tech.

The purpose of the program is to “stimulate research and scholarly activity among new additions to the Montana Tech faculty by providing all new faculty the opportunity to compete for seed-money grants to help them embark on a program of research and/or scholarly activity at Montana Tech.” These one-time, $7,000 awards are considered a “starter” and are expected to lead to active research projects, grant proposals, publications, and/or products of research. Proposals are typically due in March.

Seed-grant proposals are reviewed by the Research Seed Grant Committee with members from each of the Colleges at MTech.

Paleoseismic Investigation of the Bitterroot fault to Improve Seismic Hazards Assessments of the Missoula and Bitterroot Valleys, western Montana

Cold wire gas metal arc welding for additive manufacturing, cladding, and joining

Next generating batteries for geophysical and remote sensing applications

Create & Investigate the development of an open textbook for a co-requisite pairing of Writing Fundamentals and Introduction to  Technical Writing

Groundwater recharge estimates informed by stable isotopes of water

Tabletop university game to increase freshman engineering student engagement at Montana Tech

Fusing Data Sets from the VAO using a modified 2D DWT for viewing in the NASA FITS Liberator

Identifying and prioritize novel mycobacteriophage proteins that warrant further investigation in the laboratory

Bio-Electrochemically Induced Degradation of 8:2-fluorotelometer alcohol: Feasibility and Mechanisms

Acquire instrumentation, build proof of concept devices, and generate initial data for NSF, DARPA, DOE and NSF MRI

In-operando study of mining byproducts as catalysts for natural gas upgrading

Determining surface water influences on groundwater near the Montana Resources process water pond

Assessing Particulate Matter Wall Loss with Conductive vs. Non-Conductive Cassettes used for Airborne Mineral Dust Sampling

The Performance-Based Contracting for Road Maintenance Activities

Constraining Cenozoic Extension in the Swan Range using Low-Temperature Thermochronometry and Cosmogenic Radionuclide Dating.

Living Microfiltration Membranes:  From Biomimetic to Biological

An Intervention Study to Improve Hearing Protector Use in the the Montana Logging Industry: A Point-Source Approach

Merging Microbial Activity with Geochemistry in Hydrothermal Ecosystems

Lead Isotope Study of the Boulder Batholith Mineral Deposits and Volcanic Host Rocks, Southwestern Montana

Biogeographic Research on Exotic Plant Invasion

Reliability-Based Design Framework for Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Structures

Characterization of Fog Samples at and Downwind from the Berkeley Pit

Using Stable Isotopes, Major Ions, and Trace Elements to Evaluate Recharge Areas and Flow Paths for Cold-Water Springs and Geothermal Springs Adjacent to Yellowstone National Park

Ice Energy - a Renewable and Sustainable Energy Source to be Harnessed in Terrestrial and Space Environments

Application of QUAL2Kw Model to Estimate In-stream Dissolved Oxygen Response to Different Nutrient Load Scenarios for Upper Silver Bow Creek, Montana

High-Strain Rate Mechanical Characterization of Engineering Materials Via Developing Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar Test Facility in Montana

Investigation of Current Underground Mine Industry for Safe Design of Mobile Equipment Entries, Adits, Drifts and Haulageways

The Rhetorical Construction of Extraterrestrial Life and the Paranormal

Modeling the Mechanical Properties of Biological Cells and their Connectors

Territory, Dispersal, and Population Estimates of the Urban Pidgeon in Uptown Butte, Montana

Interactive Glassware Application Development for Google Glass

Acoustic Feedback for Object Tracking

Deciphering the Helena Volcanic Fields and Eruptive and Techtonic History Using Modern Analytical Techniques

Mobile Field GIS Deployment for Seamless Data Integration with the Ground Water Information Center: Potential Efficiencies as Compared to Traditional Paper-based Manual Data-entry Data-processing Models

Stratigraphy of the Eocene Lowland Creek Volcano Field, Southwestern Montana

An Investment in Emerging Nanotechnology at Montana Tech

Reliability of Bluetooth Travel Time Data

Weighted Composition Operators Between Weighted Bergman and SP  Spaces

The Role of ERP in Strategy Alignment: Examining the world’s largest ERP implementation

Prototype Recognizer for Dwell free Eye Typing

Developing standardized methodologies, quantifying instrument accuracy and designing an instrument calibration protocol for use in measuring static gel strength in oil well cements

Book, Pathmaze: Travel, Technology and Our Changing Times

Determining the role the putative lactam utilization protein ybgL plays in the recognition and repair of the exidized guanine lesion spiroiminodihydantoin in hexavalent chromium treated E. coli

Monitoring the Response of Groundwater Recharge to Climatic Variation in the Headwaters of the Boulder River, Montana

Moral Panics, Popular Culture, and the Mobilization of the New Right

Synthesis and Hyperthermic Study of Magnetic Nano-Materials for Potential Anti-Cancer Applications

Organizational Communication in the 'Promised Land': How texts mediated the life cycle of Peoples Temple Agriculture

Preliminary Age-dating of Glacial Lake Missoula Sediments with the Use of the Optically Stimulated Luminescence

Characterization and Comparison of Beta-Tiatanium (B-Ti) Alloys for Biomedical Applications

Purchase and Implementation of Digital Field Mapping Technology

Proof Loading, a Non-Destructive Approach to Post-Fire Assessments

Methanogen Nutrient Assessment of Montana Coal Aquifers

Tangled Web: An Investigation of Online Interactions

Technology Counts: An examination of the uses of technology in the teaching of K-12 mathematics

An Investigation into the use of scriptable commercial computer games in teaching Computer Science and Software Engineering

Stochastic Simulation Modeling of Native-Nonnative Trout Interactions

Finite element modeling and visualization software to design and interpret 3D electrical and electromagnetic surveys

Control of PIC Emissions During Fluid-Bed Combustion of Tire-Derived Fuel

Life History and Stadia Form of the Mayfly, Ephemerella inermis Eaton

Thermodynamic Property Measurement of Metastable Forms of Metallic Elements

Collodial Apatite nanoparticles with active luminescent and magnetic properties for biotechnology applications

Mycobacteriophage characterization: morphological, genomic, and protein profiling of viruses isolated by Montana students.

Is mate choice in wild deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) affected by infection of the male by Sin Nombre virus (SNV)?

Enhancing in situ Biodegradation of Organic Contaminates

Recovery of Copper and Zinc from AMD Treatment Sludges

Microbial Characterization of Iron-, Manganese-, and Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in the Orphan Boy Mine Shaft, Butte, MT

Retrieval of Soil Moisture from Space-borne Radar Backscattering Data in Montana

Development of the Coalbed Methane (CBM) Petroleum Engineering Research Program at Montana Tech

Instrumentation for Field Measurements of Leaf Physiology

Enduring Legacy:  A Portrait of the Basques

Small Diameter Tubing Design for Wellbore Gas-Water Unloading

Safety, Health & Industrial Hygiene

An Evaluation of the Physiological Effects of Cooling Vests Worn Under Impermeable Clothing During Moderate Work

Investigation of the Potential for Metals Leaching from Coal Ash Disposed in Reclaimed Surface Mines

Baseline Studies of Bat Communities in Southwestern Montana

A Study of the Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotope Fractionation Patterns During Diel Cycling in the Clark Fork River, Montana

Proposal to Support the Development of a Usability Testing Lab in the Professional and Technical Communication Department

Conserving and Protecting Montana's Ground Water by Creating K-12 Educational Opportunities for Teachers and Students

First Steps Incorporating Geographic Information System (GIS) Technology into Montana's K-12 Earth Science Education Program

Determine the source of CO2 in the flooded underground mines and Berkeley pit Using 13/C/12C

Collaboration Between Montana Tech Nursing Department and the Belmont Senior Citizens' Center

Age-Dating Groundwater Recharge in Springs Near Yellowstone Park

Conserving and Protecting Montana's Ground Water by Creating K-12 Educational Opportunities for Teachers and Students

Rocky Mountain Agile Virtual Enterprises

Signal-word Panel Formats for Workplace Safety Signs

First Steps Incorporating Geographic Information System (GIS) Technology into Montana's K-12 Earth Science Education Program

Technical Communications in the Northern Rocky Mountains

Enhancement of InSAR Imaging Resolution

Using Single Well Tracer Tests to Determine Site Specific Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity: A New Method to Evaluate Septic Drainfield Impacts

Development of a Weldability Testing Facility at Montana Tech

Implementation and Evaluation of Methods for the Rapid and Efficient Speciation of Metals in Sediments

Chemical Speciation and Molecular Modeling of Aqueous Metal Complexes

Source-Rock Determination Using Lead and Strontium Isotope Ratios

High Sensitivity Application of Full-scan Gas Chriomatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) Screening Technique for Organic Contaminates near Lewistown, MT

Task Relevant Ability and Group Performance

Investigation of the Production of Bioactive Metabolites from the Yew-Associated Penicillium sp.

An Evaluation of Lead and Strontium Isotope Ratios as a Technique for Fingerprinting Southwest Montana Watersheds

Application of an Experimental Technique for Measuring the Reactive Forces at the Bi-Center PDC Bit

The Montana Tech Faculty Development Initiative is an occasional funding opportunity established to enable and accelerate research and creative scholarship by growing the number of research-engaged instructional faculty and their research/creative productivity.

Tenured and tenure-track academic/teaching faculty (including Highlands College) are eligible. These six-month grants provide up to $7,000 each. Funding may be used for summer salary, adjunct course coverage, materials, supplies, equipment, and travel clearly related to enabling and accelerating research and creative scholarship by the applicant.  Proposals are typically due in November, in the years the opportunities are open.

The Faculty Development Initiative proposals are reviewed by the Dean’s Council, chaired by the Provost.

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