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President Biden on Wednesday urged Congress to suspend federal gas taxes for three months amid record-high prices — while demanding that gas stations slash prices “now.”
Biden said feder
High-performance gears for unmatched reliability and efficiency
Lufkin Gears low-speed increasing and reduction gears are widely used throughout industry with a renowned reputation for reliable performance in the most demanding applications.
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High-performance gears for unmatched reliability and efficiency
Lufkin Gears low-speed increasing and reduction gears are widely used throughout industry with a renowned reputation for reliable performance in the most demanding applications.
Using state-of-the-art design, we can ad
Drilling deep enough would mean terawatt-scale power, but geothermal energy’s development is underfunded.
Wind and solar technologies are the poster children of renewable energy: their resources are widely available and increasingly low-cost, but the variability of wind and sunlight me
Drilling deep enough would mean terawatt-scale power, but geothermal energy’s development is underfunded.
Wind and solar technologies are the poster children of renewable energy: their resources are widely available and increasingly low-cost, but the variability of wind and sunlight me
Biden speaking Tuesday in the Roosevelt room at the White House.
Is too much inflation crushing your summer vacation plans? President Joe Biden has a holiday for you — at the gas pump. Biden is set to request from Congress a three-month, emergency relaxation of the federal tax on gaso
The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has created a crisis in computing and a significant need for more hardware that is both energy-efficient and scalable. A key step in both AI and ML is making decisions based on incomplete data, the best approach for which is to
New research paper titled “FlexiCores: low footprint, high yield, field reprogrammable flexible microprocessors” from researchers at University of Illinois and PragmatIC Semiconductor.
Abstract “Flexible electronics is a promising approach to target applications whose
New research paper titled “FlexiCores: low footprint, high yield, field reprogrammable flexible microprocessors” from researchers at University of Illinois and PragmatIC Semiconductor.
Abstract “Flexible electronics is a promising approach to target applications whose is using a security service for protection against online attacks. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website.
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