Phil Taylor is known to many as the greatest darts player of all time and a true all time great sportsman and speaking to Dan Dawson, he got asked about how it feels to get that recognition.
"It's nice to be honest with you. It's very humbling because you've done well at what you're good at. I was good at darts and I've dedicated my life to it basically. For that you get a bit of recognition for it which is lovely," he said on the Darts Show Podcast.
But what drove the 16-time World Champion to greatness? "I like money that's what it was because when I was young and I've always worked, even as a kid I had a paper job. I've always tried to earn money in the best way I can and at the time when I started, I had three jobs. So I was probably working 15 hours a day. There's nothing finer than when you enter tournaments where you're getting beat by people you shouldn't get beat by and all of a sudden you learn by it."
"I wouldn't have played darts and been so committed if there was nothing in it for me, I basically did it to earn a living, to make my family a better living for them."
Working with Eric Bristow also was a catalyst and he has always reiterated that 'The Crafty Cockney' made him into a player to be feared.
"I didn't like him at the beginning, I thought he was arrogant. John Lowe was my favorite because everyone had their favorite. Then he moved around here and I got to know him by the darts in the dart league. He was watching me, he sponsored me."
But all of that came through groundwork as he put it and sacrificing on the days others won't in order to become the best.
"The hardest part is the groundwork, the work you have to do in the practice room. Christmas Day before your dinner, you're in there for two hours practicing. You have to sacrifice. It doesn't come easy, you can win tournaments but if you want to be consistent you've got to put the work in. You've got to be mentally fit."
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