Katherine Martinko is an expert in sustainable living. She holds a degree in English Literature and History from the University of Toronto.
True geothermal energy is truly green. This is where you get heat from the Earth's core, which some have calculated is hotter than the surface of the sun. According to Treehugger's Kiah Treece, it’s estimated that heat located within the first 6.25 miles of the Earth’s surface contains 50,000 times more energy than the world’s oil and natural gas supplies.
Taking its power from Earth’s core, geothermal energy is generated when hot water is pumped to the surface, converted into steam, and used to rotate an aboveground turbine. The motion of the turbine creates mechanical energy that is then converted into electricity using a generator. Geothermal energy can also be harvested directly from underground steam or using geothermal heat pumps, which use the warmth of the Earth to heat and cool homes.
The problem is it has only been practical in volcanic regions or near the edges of tectonic plates, where cracks in the Earth's crust allow steam to form close to the surface like in Iceland or the geysers in California. Then the heat can be used to drive turbines and generate power, instead of boiling water to make steam with coal or gas.
But Quaise Energy, a startup spun out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is applying new drilling technology to make it possible to get geothermal energy anywhere. They don't want to lily dip at 6.5 miles, either, but they want to go down 12 miles to where it is even hotter (930 degrees Fahrenheit) and anywhere in the world—perhaps right next to existing generating plants already attached to the grid. According to the press release:
The key is the drilling technology, developed by Paul Woskov at MIT's Plasma Science and Fusion Center. Instead of drill bits that will wear out or even melt, they drill with microwaves. As Quaise Energy describes it:
The microwave beam is hot enough to evaporate rock, and the vaporized rock is pumped back to the surface. Meanwhile, the heat vitrifies the side of the hole, turning it essentially into a glass pipe. According to Jason Dorrier of The Singularity Hub, once you have access to the supercritical steam you can generate at 12 miles deep, the rest is straightforward.
Quaise notes the oil and gas workforce has the skills to do this; the energy is truly renewable, abundant, and available everywhere; and should be up and running by 2028. The press release states:
Quaise just raised $40 million, which almost seems a pittance for such technology, and will be used to demonstrate the capabilities of the technology by 2024.
"This funding round brings us closer to providing clean, renewable baseload energy," said Carlos Araque, CEO and co-founder of Quaise Energy. "Our technology allows us to access energy anywhere in the world, at a scale far greater than wind and solar, enabling future generations to thrive in a world powered with abundant clean energy."
This Treehugger has complained about Bill Gates' technophilia and his belief that we should look for “the big technological changes that would ensure long-term success.” I tend to agree with philosopher Rupert Read who writes about "technotopian" solutions: "Allegedly, technological innovation sprung from within the rich world will eventually “solve” climate change. This is why long-termists such as billionaire venture capitalist Peter Thiel and Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn urge us to worry less than we do about the climate."
But I also know that geothermal power generation works; I have seen it in Iceland. What's new and different here is the drill, and if it works, a lot of us "tech won't save us" types are going to have to change our tunes.
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